left Philippine Review: On Danilo Lim's Rebellion

Thursday, June 21, 2007

On Danilo Lim's Rebellion

i remember when i was asked by a relative of mine why i didn't took up Law.

without batting an eyelash i answered him right away.

“because our laws doesnt work for us, instead it even works against us.”

he asked why, so i explained:

“1st reason is that because the medium that it was written in is in english”

“2nd reason is that majority of filipinos are illiterate”

“3rd reason this kind of democracy is not particularly sympathetic of the masses”

“4th reason majority of lawyers take advantage of their clients or yet our courts are corrupt.”

“5th reason thus being corrupt there is no real justice in our courts”

after the fifth my relative seemed transfixed and bewildered.

he just bowed and talked about other things. maybe thats how much one becomes cynical when they ask me questions about our country but the heck i was just stating the truth…

and lately after the showing of the tape of General Danilo Lim i have yet to add another reason.

“6th reason is because the constitution is for victors and those in power”


funny to quote the constitution against a “supposed to be coup-plotter” or yet a destabilizer
when he withdrew his support of the current government.

and doubly funny to go back and listen to the “bold” words of Angelo Reyes when he also withdrew his support from Erap in the “Edsa 2″ phenomenon.

its true perhaps what Miriam Defensor Santiago stated that the difference between the two was that the former prevailed while the latter didnt.

ergo: Angelo Reyes’ withdrawal holds water and Danilo Lims doesnt therefore Danilo Lim has to go to jail, quoting from the same constitution the government of Arroyo was sworn into.

that while not being revolutionary in essence it boasts of its consistent adoration of the constitution. yet it uses its constitution against those who disagree with the government or even those who disavow it.


i have my spite against the showing of the video it reflects of bad taste and perhaps the worst of it when ABS-CBN showed it in their news program “Bandila”.

for one it reeks of sensationalism while placing a persons safety as well as the nations’ when it gave the government the enjoyment of rationalizing its actions against the people.

by the video it would stand that indeed there was a conspiracy between the left and the right.

that circumscribed by the intent of the video in itself it gives credence to the legitimacy of the military (the concurrent killings and so on and forth) practical in nature and thus holds water because of the video.

true, that the video itself is newsworthy by virtue of Danilo Lim once being linked as one of the perpetrators of the alleged coup.

true that once he led a coup that failed and now he might as well start one.

but then were missing the point.

we are just looking at the tip of an iceberg.

the deeper end of it is plunged in the ever deeper darker precipice of corruption, cheating, murder, and overall disregard to human rights by this government.

and all that ABS-CBN did was point its fingers to Danilo Lim as if he was the one who wants to put this country into ruins.

as if we werent in one after GMA sat in office.

it should be understood that Danilo Lim was a consequence, and not a catalyst.

he was in the position of power capable of exacting change and he knew the most formidable ally of the people is the military.

yet he failed miserably.

and ABS-CBN was only happy that it was able to show something truthful that indeed there was a tape.

the only consolation perhaps was that the tape was able to show tirelessness in our military.

a powerful blow to this government and one that it has to take seriously.

and perhaps also that the opposition is desperate to shake up the people and make them more concerned about the government.

i have to admit the showing of the video works both ways.

tricky, tricky, tricky…

yet its taking its effect…

lets see…
